I was looking for the best and cheap solution for operating my turnouts in my model railroad for a long time. I found especially two point machines.
The first was made from electronic relay and second was made from servo motor with lot of modifications. I used second solution with servo motor, but because I am not too familiar with making mechanical things, I think up new easy point machine.
I bought small servo motors SG90 9g (figure 1) from China and test it with DCC servo decoder. My DCC servo decoder can set angle between end positions. It is good for lot of types of turnouts.
Fig. 1: Servo SG90 9g
Next step was make holdee for servo motor. I bought small metal “L”, which is using for making furniture (figure 2). Then I drilled small hole (2mm) to each “L” and mount one of “L” to each side of servo motor like on the figure 3.
Fig. 2: Small metal “L”.
Fig. 3: “L” mounted on servo.
Now, how can we change way throw the turnout? We need something like drawbar. It is made from wire with diameter 2mm. I had to resize holes on plastic thing, which is on top of servo. Then I curve the wire like on picture 4.
Fig. 4: Whole point machine.
Next step is drill hole for drawbar under the turnout. The hole diameter should be enough for both end positions.
The last point is mount whole point machine to the table with railroad model. First I used glue, but it wasn’t good. After that I used screws. It is good.
This point machine can be extended with end switches, which can indicate really state of turnout. I plan it.
I am using DCC servo decoder for control this point machine. I bought my decoder from this shop.
For conclusion I made a video of working this point machine in my railroad model.
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajhlbc06Dhc[/embedyt]
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Good article
What is the item number for the recorder board. I looked on the website but was not able to determine which board I should get.
P.s I will make a donation next month.
Thanks. The board for control this servos is: http://dccdoma.eshop-zdarma.cz/index.php?s=product&id=162 and now, I control it from my command station: http://www.zavavov.cz/en/tcs-en/